package xpp is
 * Project:         Project (<a href="http://en.1stsw.com/products/extreme-parallel-processing/"> XPP 1. SOFTWAROVÁ s.r.o.</a>)<br/>
 * Description:     Interface Package for eXtreme Parallel Processing<br/>
 * Author:          Petr Jezek<br/>
 * Version:         2.0.1<br/>
 * Date:            2012-09-18<br/>
 * <br/>
 * The eXtreme Parallel Processing package is useful primary in tasks where is required parallel processing to use maximal CPU with minimal effort to rewrite current applications.<br/>
 * It can be also used like first aid in case of low performance PLSQL code.<br/>
 * The tool is using Advance Queue Messaging generic way.
 * It’s offering user friendly API for automatic creation/using/maintenance/delete of Advance queues.
 * Over the the Advance Queue Messaging is configurable parallel processing to split use fully power of more then one CPU. 
 * There is diffeence between Transactinal Parallel Processing and eXtreme Parallel Processing in way of using transaction. Every request processed in eXtrem Parallel Processing is in single transaction.<br/>
 * The transactional behavior minimalize effort to rewrite current PLSQL code.<br/>
 * <p>
 * Example of using check on <a href="http://en.1stsw.com/TPP-example/">XPP example 1. SOFTWAROVÁ s.r.o.</a> 
 * <p>
  c_err_get_curr_schema_name            constant PLS_INTEGER := -20001;
  c_err_get_user_schema_name            constant PLS_INTEGER := -20002;
  c_err_type_not_found                  constant PLS_INTEGER := -20003;
  c_err_queue_name                      constant PLS_INTEGER := -20004;
  c_err_creation_queue_table            constant PLS_INTEGER := -20005;
  c_err_deletion_queue_table            constant PLS_INTEGER := -20006;
  c_err_creation_queue                  constant PLS_INTEGER := -20007;
  c_err_deletion_queue                  constant PLS_INTEGER := -20008;
  c_err_creation_subscriber             constant PLS_INTEGER := -20009;
  c_err_deletion_subscriber             constant PLS_INTEGER := -20010;
  c_err_creation_notif_proc             constant PLS_INTEGER := -20011;
  c_err_deletion_notif_proc             constant PLS_INTEGER := -20012;
  c_err_task_processing                 constant PLS_INTEGER := -20013;
  c_err_queue_is_not_defined            constant PLS_INTEGER := -20014;
  c_err_processing_end                  constant PLS_INTEGER := -20015;
  c_err_number_of_executors             constant PLS_INTEGER := -20016;
  c_err_subscr_conf_exists              constant PLS_INTEGER := -20017;
  c_err_while_add_subscr_conf           constant PLS_INTEGER := -20018;
  c_err_error_while_run_parallel        constant PLS_INTEGER := -20019;
  c_err_task_not_exists                 constant PLS_INTEGER := -20020;
  c_err_end_of_evaluation_period        constant PLS_INTEGER := -20021;

 * The procedure is initiating XPP processing. 
 * It is responsible for creation required structures including input type for processing. 
 * The name of type is returned in ouput parameter P_TYPE_NAME (varchar2). 
 * @param p_queue_name       The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_queue_type_body  the body of type for encapsulation input for parallel procedure. 
 * @param p_storage_clause   The storage clausule for creation of queue table. (It is usually for name of tablespace. Eg. 'tablespace my_small_tablespace') 
 * @param p_queue_comments   The comments of name of queue. 
 * @param p_user_to_grant    The list of users in coma separated format. The default value is null. In case of null is laoded current executor name and granted. 
 * @param p_type_name        The generated name of input type parallel processing.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden. 
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_queue_table The table is not created or is not created in expected time.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_queue       The queue is not created or is not created in expected time.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_subscriber  The subscriber is not created or is not created in expected time.
  procedure event_initiate(
    p_queue_name           in varchar2
   ,p_queue_type_body      in varchar2
   ,p_storage_clause       in varchar2
   ,p_queue_comments       in varchar2
   ,p_user_to_grant        in varchar2 := null -- list of users in coma separated format.When null then is selected actual executor UID.
   ,p_type_name            out varchar2

 * The procedure is openning XPP for processing. 
 * It is responsible for creation configuration for processing.
 * While running this procedure is set name number of required parallel level (p_number_of_executors), 
 * The value of parameter p_number_of_executors is set number of parallely runned tasks.
 * <p>
 * The P_PROCEDURE_TO_RUN is name of procedure required for parallel processing (p_procedure_to_run).
 * The procedure name should be including schema name and should be granted for execution by <xpp_owner> (The user/schema where is XPP installed.)
 * This procedure will be executed in parallel.   
 * <p> 
 * The P_PROCEDURE_ON_SUCCESS is name of procedure to be executed when procedure in P_PROCEDURE_TO_RUN successfuly finish processing.
 * Default value is null. In case of null nothing executed while parallel run of procedure from variable P_PROCEDURE_TO_RUN. 
 * The procedure name should be including schema name and should be granted for execution by <xpp_owner> (The user/schema where is XPP installed.)
 * Whenever is defined P_PROCEDURE_ON_SUCCESS (eg. '<XPP_USER>.<ON_SUCCESS>') not null, then is expected following defintion of procedure
 * create or replace procedure <XPP_USER>.<ON_SUCCESS>(
 *    l_message   <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 * )
 * is
     pragma autonomous_transaction;
 * begin
 *   ... 
 *   -- For example
 *   update  <my_table_of_requests>
 *   set <my_status> = 'done'
 *   where  l_message.<my_identification_of_message>
 *   commit;  
 *   ... 
 * end;
 * <p> 
 * <p> 
 * The P_PROCEDURE_ON_ERROR is name of procedure to be executed when procedure in P_PROCEDURE_TO_RUN fail while processing.
 * Default value is null. In case of null nothing executed while parallel run of procedure from variable P_PROCEDURE_TO_RUN. 
 * The procedure name should be including schema name and should be granted for execution by <xpp_owner> (The user/schema where is XPP installed.)
 * Whenever is defined P_PROCEDURE_ON_ERROR (eg. '<XPP_USER>.<ON_ERROR>') not null, then is expected defintion of procedure <XPP_USER>.<ON_ERROR
 * Paramater of procedure defined by variable P_PROCEDURE_ON_ERROR is effected by value of parameter P_PARAM_ON_ERROR_INPUT.
 * <p> 
 * <p> 
 * The value of parameter P_PARAM_ON_ERROR_INPUT will effect the processing only when is set not null value of parameter P_PROCEDURE_ON_ERROR.
 * When P_PARAM_ON_ERROR_INPUT is 1 then is expected defintion of procedure in as
 * create or replace procedure <XPP_USER>.<ON_ERROR>(
 *    l_message   <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 * )
 * is
     pragma autonomous_transaction;
 * begin
 *   ... 
 *   -- For example
 *   update  <my_table_of_requests>
 *   set <my_status> = 'Error'
 *   where  l_message.<my_identification_of_message>
 *   commit;  
 *   ... 
 * end;
 * <p> 
 * The using while processing can be following:       
 * declare
 *    p_message <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 * begin  
 *    p_message <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>(
 *                  <type_body_defined_while_event_init>
 *              ); 
 *    p_procedure_on_error(p_message => <p_message>);
 * ...
 * end;
 * <p>   
 * <p>   
 * When P_PARAM_ON_ERROR_INPUT is 2 then is expected defintion of procedure in as
 * create or replace procedure <XPP_USER>.<ON_ERROR>(
 *    l_message   <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 *   ,p_sqlcode   varchar2
 *   ,p_sqlterm   varchar2
 * )
 * is
     pragma autonomous_transaction;
 * begin
 *   ... 
 *   -- For example
 *   update  <my_table_of_requests>
 *   set <my_status> = substr('ERR: ORA-'||p_sqlcode||' p_sqlterm:'||p_sqlterm, 1, 4000)
 *   where  l_message.<my_identification_of_message>
 *   commit;  
 *   ... 
 * end; 
 * <p>   
 * The using while processing can be following:       
 * When p_param_on_error_input is 2 then is expected defintion of procedure in as 
 * declare
 *    p_message <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 *    l_sqlcode varchar2(100); 
 *    l_sqlterm varchar2(4000); 
 * begin  
 *    p_message <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>(
 *                  <type_body_defined_while_event_init>
 *              );   
 *    p_procedure_on_error(p_message => <type_defined_while_event_init>, 
 *                        ,p_sqlcode => l_sqlcode 
 *                        ,p_sqlterm => l_sqlterm
 *                        );
 *  ...
 *  end; 
 * <p>   
 * <p>   
 * When P_PARAM_ON_ERROR_INPUT is 3 then is expected defintion of procedure in as
 * create or replace procedure <XPP_USER>.<ON_ERROR>(
 *    l_message   <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 *   ,p_sqlcode   varchar2
 *   ,p_sqlterm   varchar2
 *   ,p_backtrace varchar2
 * )
 * is
     pragma autonomous_transaction;
 * begin
 *   ... 
 *   -- For example
 *   update  <my_table_of_requests>
 *   set <my_status> = substr('ERR: ORA-'||p_sqlcode||' p_sqlterm:'||p_sqlterm||' p_backtrace: '||p_backtrace, 1, 4000)
 *   where  l_message.<my_identification_of_message>
 *   commit;  
 *   ... 
 * end;  
 * <p>      
 * When p_param_on_error_input is 3 then is expected defintion of procedure in as p_procedure_on_error(p_message => <type_defined_while_event_init>, varchar2, varchar2, varchar2)
 * declare
 *    p_message   <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>
 *    l_sqlcode   varchar2(100); 
 *    l_sqlterm   varchar2(4000); 
 *    l_backtrace varchar2(4000); 
 * begin  
 *    p_message <xpp_owner>.<type_name_get_while_event_init>(
 *                  <type_body_defined_while_event_init>
 *              );   
 *    p_procedure_on_error(p_message   => <type_defined_while_event_init>, 
 *                        ,p_sqlcode   => l_sqlcode 
 *                        ,p_sqlterm   => l_sqlterm
 *                        ,p_backtrace => l_backtrace 
 *                        );
 *  ...
 *  end;   
 * Otherwise p_param_on_error_input is like 1. Default vakue of p_param_on_error_input is 1.
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_number_of_executors  Number of required parallel processes to run. 
 * @param p_procedure_to_run     The name of procedure to run in parallel 
 * @param p_procedure_on_success The name of procedure to be executed after sucessfull processing. 
 * @param p_procedure_on_error   The name of procedure to be executed when exception while parallel processing raise. 
 * @param p_param_on_error_input The type of parameters for procedure configured in p_procedure_on_error. Possible values are 1 - only type is send, 2 - type, SQLCODE, SQLTERM is send, 3 - type, SQLCODE, SQLTERM, dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace is send 
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden. 
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_queue_table The table is not created or is not created in expected time.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_queue       The queue is not created or is not created in expected time.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_creation_subscriber  The subscriber is not created or is not created in expected time.
  procedure event_open(
    p_queue_name              in varchar2
   ,p_number_of_executors     in number
   ,p_procedure_to_run        in varchar2
   ,p_procedure_on_success    in varchar2 default null
   ,p_procedure_on_error      in varchar2 default null
   ,p_param_on_error_input    in number   default 1

 * The procedure is inserting request to be processed by XPP. 
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_record               The request to be proccessed by XPP. 
 * @param p_message_id           The ouput identification of the request.  
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden. 
  procedure event_process(
     p_queue_name       in varchar2
    ,p_record           in long raw
 * The procedure is inserting request to be processed by XPP and return identification of the request.
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_record               The request to be proccessed by XPP. 
 * @param p_message_id           The ouput identification of the request.  
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden. 
  procedure event_process(
     p_queue_name       in  varchar2
    ,p_record           in  long raw
    ,p_message_id       out raw

 * The procedure is waiting till end of processing of XPP.
 * It raise exception in case of error while processing.  
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_record               The request to be proccessed by XPP. 
 * @param p_message_id           The ouput identification of the request.  
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_task_processing      The Error created while running parallel task.
  procedure event_wait_processing_end(
    p_queue_name   in  varchar2
 * The procedure is responsible to close/stop processing of XPP in queue. 
 * The queue name is defined by parameter P_QUEUE_NAME.
 * When is the value of the parameter P_SILENT set to true, then the procedure will raise while error exception on error while processing.
 * Otherwise it raise exception on error while processing.
 * Deafult value of P_SILENT is true.
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_silent               The switch of silent mode. 
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name           The queue name is forbidden.
  procedure event_close(
    p_queue_name in varchar2
   ,p_silent     in boolean default true -- when is true then it doesn''t raise exception when object is not exists

 * The procedure is responsible to destroy internal structures defined while EVENT_INITIATE. 
 * The queue name is defined by parameter P_QUEUE_NAME.
 * When is the value of the parameter P_SILENT set to true, then the procedure will raise while error exception on error while processing.
 * Otherwise it raise exception on error while processing.
 * Deafult value of P_SILENT is true.
 * @param p_queue_name           The requested name of queue. 
 * @param p_silent               The switch of silent mode. 
 * @throw ORA-04043                       The object (queue table or type or package) not exists.
 * @throw ORA-02289                       The sequence not exists.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_queue_name            The queue name is forbidden.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_subscriber_not_exists The subscriber not exists.
 * @throw xpp.c_err_deletion_queue_table  Error while deleting of queue table.
  procedure event_destroy(
    p_queue_name in varchar2
   ,p_silent     in boolean default true -- when is true then it doesn''t raise exception when object is not exists

 * The procedure is returning identification of official buyer of the XPP.
 * @param p_company_name    The name of company.  
 * @param p_invoice_id      The identification of invoice.  
 * @param p_paymenent_type  The payment information.  
 * @param p_paymenent_date  The date of payment.  
  procedure licence_id (
    p_company_name   out varchar2
   ,p_invoice_id     out varchar2
   ,p_paymenent_type out varchar2
   ,p_paymenent_date out varchar2

end xpp;